Oct 25, 2024 | E-commerce, Localization and content
The European e-Commerce retail sector is a rapidly growing market. According to Statista, European e-commerce revenue is expected to rise +54.58% by 2029, reaching a new peak at US$977.36 bn. As such, European eCommerce is ripe for the picking for Amazon sellers....
Sep 22, 2023 | Amazon translations, Customs from Around the World, E-commerce, Localization and content, Translations
When you’re thinking of Amazon Europe, promising markets (Sweden, Poland, the Netherlands) don’t always come to mind – many sellers stick to the bigger players like Germany, the UK, France, and Spain – and perhaps for good reason. One of the...
Sep 1, 2023 | Amazon translations, Customs from Around the World, E-commerce, Localization and content, Translations
Expanding to Amazon.FR, or Amazon France, is a fantastic idea – so let’s cover the best practices in English to French translations in this week’s blog. We’ll go through the robust Amazon.FR market, the mentality of the French consumers, and...
Aug 18, 2023 | Amazon translations, Localization and content, Translations, YLT team
What’s the point of translating an Amazon listing from English to Spanish? The answer is clear: expansion to a Spanish-speaking market is lucrative. Here are a few reasons why: Growing market: There are over 500 million Spanish speakers in the world, and this...