Jun 13, 2024 | E-commerce, Localization and content, Tips and Hacks
What’s the deal with the chatter on Gen Xers vs the Millennial Generation? TikToker @bryaninheelee released a video that’s been stitched so many times by Gen X TikTokers. Bryan starts his video asking, “Who let Gen X off the hook? Why aren’t we...
Dec 8, 2023 | E-commerce, Localization and content, Tips and Hacks, Translations
Many people underestimate why technical writing is so important in eCommerce content writing. Many companies make the mistake of underplaying technical writing in their marketing efforts, thinking a writer needs to understand copywriting and engagement, and call it a...
Oct 13, 2023 | Amazon translations, E-commerce, Localization and content, Translations
In the bustling world of eCommerce, especially on platforms like Amazon, the landscape is vast and incredibly diverse. As an Amazon seller, you’re not just addressing your immediate surroundings—you’re reaching out to a global audience. But here’s a...
Aug 3, 2023 | Amazon translations, Localization and content, Translations
Are you looking to expand your website or app’s reach to a global audience? If so, then mastering SEO and keyword localization is essential. Simply translating keywords is not enough; you need to conduct thorough keyword research for each country or region,...
Apr 6, 2023 | Amazon translations, Localization and content, Tips and Hacks, Translations
When expanding to new markets, many sellers make the mistake of employing any old translator on Fiverr, or – even worse – running their US listing through machine translations. Relying solely on word-for-word translation won’t capture the essence of...