
Amazon Product Image Requirements and Best Practices for a Killer Listing

Feb 9, 2023



An image speaks a thousand words – therefore, knowing Amazon product image requirements and best practices will help you convert and engage your customers in different marketplaces way more effectively than just plain photographs and copywriting. Many sellers make huge mistakes with their Amazon images, therefore leaving money on the table. That’s because high-quality images show your product in a beneficial light, and ignoring their potential is a downright shame. It also helps to localize your images so they appeal to your customers in all of the different marketplaces you sell on.

Professionally-done images on Amazon help the customer imagine themselves using the product, show the product in action, and state product features in an easy-to-digest manner. Usually, after checking out your Amazon product image gallery, customers will go on to your bullets or scroll down to the A+. The seven images – or six images plus a product video – have a massive role to play in conversion. Since ecommerce customers can’t experience your product in person until they actually buy it and it’s delivered to their doorstop, they rely on your product image gallery to help them understand the features of your product.

Now, Amazon has strict requirements when it comes to your product images. The reason for this is that Amazon likes to be as customer-centric as possible, so these image guidelines exist to help customers understand your product features and benefits better. By adhering to the Amazon product image guidelines, and using professional Amazon product photography, not only do you stay in line with Amazon’s stringent requirements, but you show your product in use to help convert and engage your target market much better.

So, let’s get into it – here are the best practices for Amazon product photos, and Amazon product image requirements to follow. You’ve got 7 slots to use – time to maximize the real estate given, and boost conversion and engagement in your product listings across all the marketplaces you sell on!

Uploading Amazon Product Images Across Different Markets

According to this article, Amazon has a new country-specific upload tool. It’s now easier to localize your pictures on listings, which is great for brands that are selling in many countries on Amazon. Before, whatever photos you’d upload to an ASIN that’s featured on many different marketplaces, that same photo would appear in all the other countries, too, which is difficult if other cultures are trying to consume the content on your Amazon product images.

Imagine if you uploaded your main image with text in Amazon UK, in English – but it’s also appearing in France, Germany, and Belgium. Would your customers in the other countries understand what you’re trying to communicate in your main Amazon product images? Imagine if they don’t. That’s a lost opportunity for conversion right there.

Before, you’d have to upload localized images manually – and open a case through each of your Vendor Central accounts or markets. You’d mention the ASINs you’d like to upload country-specific images to, furnish them with a zip folder with all the photos you want to upload (properly labeled, of course!) and be precise on which marketplace you want the images displayed. Which is a nightmare. Charlène Grégoire, Account Manager at e-Comas, says: “Trying to upload localized images was a constant fight with Amazon through cases. Sometimes, one case per marketplace was not even enough for you to upload the country-specific images for your entire ASIN selection. We have encountered situations where Amazon asked us to open one case per 10 ASINs maximum, not exceeding 65 Mb.”

So, we’re all happy that this tool now exists.

That should make it easier for many sellers to upload localized content to Amazon product images – and it should make it easier for the US seller, who’s expanding to Europe and/or Asia, to produce main images with text to boost conversions and build rapport.

Text on images is encouraged. It’s a great way to showcase product benefits and features. Unlike the draconian terms and conditions in Amazon.com, main images can contain any sort of text. Think product benefits, key features, taglines, slogans, and more.

Amazon Main Image Requirements

Remember, the main image, also known as the hero image, is crucial for your click-through rate. Aside from the title, the main image is what pops up on the search page when customers chance upon your chosen keywords. Therefore, main images must be professional photographs, to showcase the benefits of your product to the best of your ability. A good main image will make your product stand out from the rest. But it’s crucial to adhere to Amazon’s stringent requirements.

Here’s a list of what your main image needs to cover:

  1. White Background: Ensure the main image has a pure white background, allowing the product to stand out clearly.
  2. Professional Quality: Maintain high-quality images that are well-lit, in focus, and accurately represent the product’s color and details.
  3. Full Product Representation: Show the entire product that is for sale, without cropping or cutting off any parts.
  4. No Additional Objects or Text: Avoid adding promotional language, logos, borders, or any other graphics over the product, keeping the focus solely on the item being sold.
    1. Granted, in the European Amazon marketplace, this isn’t a hard and fast rule, so you have a little more leeway. However, if you’re selling on the US marketplace and a few other places as well, your localization efforts get easier when you can use the same main image across all.
  5. Fill 85% of the Frame: Ensure the product occupies at least 85% of the image space, providing a clear view without unnecessary space.
  6. No Multiple Objects: Display only the product for sale in the main image, without including multiple views or additional items.
  7. Professional Photography: Consider hiring a professional photographer to capture the main image, ensuring it meets all Amazon requirements and presents the product in the best possible light.
  8. Compliance with Amazon Guidelines: Adhere strictly to Amazon’s image requirements to avoid listing suppression and ensure visibility on the platform.

Generally, it’s advisable to use a square image for your images and infographics, but there’s chatter that the image shape will change to a rectangular one for a more mobile-friendly experience. We have social selling to thank for that.

Technical Image Guidelines for Amazon Product Image Requirements

Anyone who’s selling on Amazon knows how touchy Amazon can get with technical requirements. Here’s a checklist of the technical sides of Amazon product image requirements:

  1. Accurate Representation: Images must accurately represent the product that is for sale and match the product title.
  2. Minimum Product Coverage: The product must fill at least 85% of the image.
  3. File Format: The image file must be in JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg), TIFF (.tif), PNG (.png), or GIF (.gif) format. JPEG is preferred.
  4. Size: Images must not exceed 10,000 pixels on the longest side. For optimal zoom, files should be 1600px or larger on the longest side. If unable to meet this, the smallest file size for zoom is 1000px, and the smallest for the site is 500px.
  5. Image Quality: Images must not be blurry, pixelated, or have jagged edges.
  6. No Nudity or Sexual Content: Images must not contain nudity or be sexually suggestive.
  7. No Amazon Logos or Trademarks: Images must not include any Amazon logos, trademarks, or anything confusingly similar to Amazon’s branding.
  8. No Amazon Badges: Images must not include any badges used on Amazon or anything confusingly similar to such badges, such as “Amazon’s Choice” or “best seller on Amazon” or “works with Amazon Alexa”
  9. Main Image Requirements:
    • Must have a pure white background (RGB color values of 255, 255, 255).
    • Professional photographs of the actual product, with no graphics, logos, or text overlays.
    • Show the entire product that is for sale.
    • Products should be outside of their packaging, with no boxes, bags, or cases unless they are important product features.
    • Restrictions on human models and poses, especially for clothing items.
  10. Additional Prohibited Specifications for Main Images in Specific Categories:
    • For clothing, shoes, handbags, and jewelry, there are additional guidelines regarding backgrounds, models, and packaging.

Also, refrain from using the Amazon smile design in any of your images. Amazon frowns on this in a massive way.

Amazon Image Requirements for Secondary Images

You can have fun with your lifestyle image array, but it’s still crucial to provide as much information as possible, so customers view your product in the most positive light.

Secondary images are the best opportunity to display all info relevant to the product, such as dimensions, different uses, giftability, and so forth.  Don’t restrict yourself to one angle of your product; showcase it from different sides to give the customers a 360-degree perspective of your product.

Put copywriting, slogans, and taglines on your images to guide the impressions customers will receive.

Now, you might be wondering how to show the product being used across different cultures. Naturally, culturally neutral images is a crucial best practice for your Amazon product image requirements, but across the board, having text call-outs on your images is a helpful way to get the message across. You’d want the text translated into every target language, of course.

Word to the wise – don’t go overboard with your text. There aren’t guidelines regarding word count. Nevertheless, an optimized Amazon listing image contains very little copy. According to this article, it’s advisable to keep the word count at a minimum so the copy doesn’t detract from the image.

Here’s another reason to keep the copy short and sweet: research has found that human beings have a shorter attention span than the goldfish! Human beings have an attention span of 8.25 seconds, which is 4 seconds shorter than in 2000 (goldfish have an attention span of 9 seconds!). Not only is our attention span short, it’s diminishing. The brain can process an image in very little time – so keep that text sweet and simple, and your customers get the point in 8 seconds or less.

Amazon Product Image Requirements for Amazon Product Photography

Why is it important to have a professional photograph of the product? Amazon product image requirements allow creativity within Amazon’s technical  requirements, so in order for your images to show your product in the best possible light, it’s a good idea to employ the services of a professional product photographer and graphic designer.

Some sellers opt to have one studio handle the end-to-end production, from photography to graphic design and copywriting. Others choose to handle this in-house. Whatever you choose, it’s important to provide as much information about the product from the most beneficial angle possible, to differentiate yourself and allow your customer imagine themselves living with your product.

Here’s why it’s essential to employ a professional photographer or graphic designer for your Amazon product image requirements:

  • High-Quality Images:
    • Employing a professional ensures high-quality images that accurately represent your product.
  • Consistency Across Listings:
    • Professionals ensure consistency in lighting, angles, and composition across all product listings, enhancing brand identity.
  • Meeting Amazon’s Standards:
    • Professionals are well-versed in Amazon’s image requirements, ensuring compliance and preventing listing suppression.
  • Increased Conversion Rates:
    • Professionally photographed products tend to have higher conversion rates as they appear more trustworthy and appealing to customers.
  • Effective Storytelling:
    • Professionals can tell a compelling visual story about your product, highlighting its features and benefits effectively.
  • Optimized for Zoom and Mobile Viewing:
    • Professionals can capture images optimized for Amazon’s zoom feature and mobile viewing, maximizing customer engagement.
  • Time and Cost Savings:
    • Hiring a professional saves time and effort spent on learning photography techniques and editing skills, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.
  • Competitive Advantage:
    • Professional-quality images set your listings apart from competitors, helping you stand out in a crowded marketplace.
  • Expertise in Product Presentation:
    • Professionals understand how to showcase your product in the best light, emphasizing its unique selling points and increasing its perceived value.
  • Enhanced Brand Image:
    • Professional photography elevates your brand image, conveying professionalism and trustworthiness to potential customers.
  • Access to Specialized Equipment:
    • Professionals have access to specialized photography equipment and studio setups, resulting in superior image quality.
  • Post-Production Expertise:
    • Professionals excel in post-production editing, ensuring images are polished and optimized for online display.

Amazon Product Images Affect Conversion: Emotional Connections Are Key

High-quality product images will bridge the gap with your customer and establish a relationship with them. Now, different cultures have different wants and needs; Germans tend to be more stoic than the emotive Americans. But it’s a good rule of thumb to have professionally-taken images that you can localize and customize across all marketplaces with quick and easy translation work, so the words appeal to different cultures.

Here’s why images need to craft emotional connections:

  • Enhanced Engagement:
    • Emotionally engaging images capture the attention of customers, leading to increased engagement with the product listing.
  • Establishing Connection:
    • Images that evoke emotions help customers feel connected to the product, fostering a sense of desire and affinity.
  • Visual Storytelling:
    • Emotional images tell a compelling visual story about the product, conveying its benefits and resonating with customers on a deeper level.
  • Creating Desire:
    • Emotional appeal triggers desire and aspiration in customers, motivating them to make a purchase based on their emotional response to the product.
  • Differentiation from Competitors:
    • Emotionally compelling images set your product apart from competitors, making it more memorable and desirable to potential customers.
  • Increased Conversion Rates:
    • Emotional connection with the product leads to higher conversion rates as customers are more likely to make a purchase when they feel emotionally invested in the product.
  • Building Brand Loyalty:
    • Emotionally resonant images contribute to building long-term brand loyalty, as customers develop positive associations and emotional bonds with the brand.
  • Memorable Brand Experience:
    • Emotional product images create a memorable brand experience for customers, leaving a lasting impression that encourages repeat purchases.

Amazon Product Image Requirements Across Different Countries

Many sellers think, “Ok, short and sweet text is easy to translate; let me just do it myself.” Without any bias, we discourage this, especially if you’re planning to localize to Amazon.de! Similarly, using AI or machine translations to translate text is a bad idea.

Here are some of the challenges that our translators face when they localize main Amazon product image text into German:

  • Language Complexity: 
    • To quote this Busuu blog, “German grammar is too complex.” That’s why its challenging to accurately translate text in images. It doesn’t matter that the text might be short and sweet; since German text is often longer than its English equivalent, oftentimes the product photo needs resizing or reformatting to accommodate the expanded text. In fact, this is the rule of thumb when localizing to any new culture – consider that your image might need adjustment to accommodate the new character count and localized copy.
  • Cultural Differences:
    • Localizing into any new culture requires an understanding of cultural nuances and social customs. You also need to be sensitive to local norms and values. If you already do this in your Amazon title and Amazon bullets, be sure you do the same in your Amazon product images.
  • Appropriateness: 
    • It’s not even just the text! It often takes different things to convert different cultures. What converts your UK audience may not convert your Italian audience. So it’s best to bring your image through a localization firm to see what your target audience will think about the scenario you’re trying to depict.
  • Technical Limitations: 
    • English doesn’t have accents or special characters. Consider the umlaut and sharp S (ß) of German, the cedilla in Catalan, French, and Portuguese, the tilde in Spanish – the list goes on. Be careful with these, because the images may use a font style that doesn’t have these special characters. You’ll have to redo the font in order for your image to be perfectly localized. The same goes for abbreviation and acronyms – many English ones don’t have a direct equivalent in other languages.
  • Legal Compliance: 
    • Different marketplaces have different restrictions! Consider “Fiberglass” – in the US, it pertains to plastic that uses glass fiber. In Germany, it’s a brand name, and can’t be used in your copywriting. A good localization firm can help ensure that the text on the main Amazon product images doesn’t infringe on any intellectual property rights, or violate Amazon’s policies.

This is just a snapshot of the challenges that translators experience when localizing images to your Amazon listing – trust us, there are challenges in every single marketplace. Think about Arabic, Japanese, and Polish!

That’s why it’s crucial to adapt culturally-neutral and culturally-sensitive imagery; it’s much easier to localize your Amazon product images that way. Plus, you won’t have to change images and videos for every single culture you sell in.

A Guide to Amazon Product Image Requirements From Our Team

Our translators, who provided invaluable feedback for this article, had this to say about localizing your images: “Accurate localization requires thorough quality assurance and review processes to ensure that images meet foreign languages and cultural standards.”

We don’t recommend to sellers to attempt localizing their main Amazon product image text on their own, especially into a language they’re not too familiar with.

You have the opportunity to connect with your audience in 8 seconds flat – make a good impression, and don’t accidentally say something that will have your new audiences tut-tutting in disapproval.

We’ve localized thousands of images for Amazon listings across many different languages, and we can work that magic with your Amazon product images, too. Let us know how we can help by emailing us at info@ylt-translations.com!

This article was initially published on 02/09/2023