
Prevent Amazon Listing Hijacking: Protect Your Listing Through Expansion!

Jul 27, 2023



Have you ever felt the threat of an Amazon hijacker? Listing hijacking occurs when unauthorized sellers sell counterfeit versions of your products, resulting in lost revenue and damage to your brand image. There is a way to prevent another seller from hijacking your listing: protect your listings to maintain control over your brand.

This article will guide you through the process of protecting your listings and preventing hijacking. From sending cease and desist letters to utilizing Amazon’s Project Zero tool and branding your packaging and listings, we will explore various techniques to keep hijackers at bay. Spoiler alert:

Stay ahead of the game and take control of your brand by implementing these strategies. Don’t let hijackers take advantage of your hard work – it’s time to expand your defenses and safeguard your listings.

What is Amazon product listing hijacking? Signs your listing has been hijacked

Listing hijacking refers to the unauthorized selling of counterfeit or similar versions of a product on a listing without the brand owner’s permission. It occurs when hijackers target popular products to reproduce cheaper knockoffs and steal profits. 

How does listing hijacking occur?

Listing hijacking occurs when unauthorized sellers offer counterfeit versions of your products on your listing. They undercut your prices and compete for the Buy Box, leading to lost revenue and negative reviews. Granted, it’s possible that the Buy Box was taken by Amazon resellers and not by hijackers, so don’t jump to conclusions; check first!

Common signs of listing hijacking

Watch out for these telltale signs of listing hijacking on Amazon:

  • Look for negative reviews and poor quality reviews, as they may indicate the presence of hijackers.
  • Another sign is when multiple sellers start offering the same private label product.
  • If you come across a counterfeit product, that’s physical evidence of hijacking.
  • Keep an eye out for unfamiliar sellers and if you notice a loss of the buy box.

Acting quickly is crucial to protect your listing.

Impact of listing hijacking on sellers

Protect your brand and revenue by understanding the impact of listing hijacking on sellers:

  • Loss of sales and revenue
  • Damage of the brand’s reputation since the customer that purchases your product gets a counterfeit version
  • That same customer is pretty likely to leave a bad review, leading to lowered customer trust and negative brand image

Hijackers undercut prices and compete for the Buy Box, leading to increased competition for your brand on Amazon.

How to protect your listing from Amazon listing hijackers?

To protect your listing, it’s important to monitor it regularly for any signs of hijacking. You can do this by checking for unauthorized sellers and any changes in the buy box.

Additionally, registering your brand on Amazon and utilizing Amazon Brand Registry can provide added protection against counterfeiters. If you’re a victim of a case of hijacking, let Amazon know immediately. Here are some other steps to take to make it difficult for hijackers to copy your product.

Monitoring your Amazon listings

Keep an eye on your listing to ensure that unauthorized sellers don’t sneak in and hijack your product. Regularly monitor your listing for any signs of hijacking, such as unfamiliar sellers or a sudden loss of the Buy Box. Utilize tools like FeedbackFive’s hijacker detection alerts to stay informed.

Registering your brand on Amazon

Now that you’ve learned about monitoring your listing, let’s move on to the next step in avoiding listing hijackers: registering your brand on Amazon.

By registering your brand, you gain access to additional protection and tools to combat hijackers. The Amazon Brand Registry program allows you to establish and protect your brand’s presence on the marketplace – it’s easier to prevent hijackers from copying your listing this way.

By registering your brand, you gain access to powerful tools and resources to safeguard your listings. Amazon Brand Registry helps you maintain control over your product listings. It allows you to easily report and remove any unauthorized sellers.

Take advantage of this program to strengthen your brand’s presence on Amazon. Ensure that only genuine products are sold under your name.

Reporting hijackers to Amazon

If you’re certain your listing is hijacked, report the hijacker to Amazon seller support immediately. Reporting hijackers is crucial to maintaining the integrity of your listings and ensuring that customers receive genuine products. Head straight to Amazon’s infringement reporting page and provide detailed evidence of the unauthorized seller. 

Amazon typically responds to reports within 1-3 working days, so act swiftly to reclaim ownership of your brand and protect your customers.

Sending cease and desist letters

You’ll also want to send a strongly-worded letter to hijackers on Amazon. Send a cease and desist letter immediately.

This legal document serves as a warning to the hijacker, demanding that they stop selling counterfeit versions of your products. Clearly state your ownership rights and provide evidence of infringement.

A well-drafted cease and desist letter can scare off hijackers and protect your brand’s reputation on Amazon. Be proactive and assertive in defending your intellectual property.

A way to prevent Amazon listing hijackers: protect your brand and other strategies

To avoid hijackers from taking over your listing on Amazon, you can employ several strategies.

Firstly, focus on building a strong brand presence by trademarking your brand and products, and using branding in your packaging and listings.

Secondly, optimize your product listings with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and relevant keywords to make it harder for hijackers to replicate.

Lastly, monitor competitor activity and pay attention to any suspicious sellers or price changes, and consider utilizing Amazon’s Project Zero Program to proactively remove hijackers from your listings.

Building a strong brand presence

Build a strong brand presence on your listing page, storefront, and other assets outside of Amazon to avoid Amazon hijackers.

By establishing a recognizable and trusted brand, you can deter potential hijackers and protect your listings.

Start by trademarking your brand and registering for Amazon Brand Registry (we obviously can’t stress this strongly enough).

Incorporate your branding into packaging and product photos to make replication harder.

Make sure the listing content on your Amazon page speaks volumes about your value and fosters brand recall so you lessen the risk of hijacking.

Optimizing product listings

Maximize the potential of your product listings by optimizing them to attract customers and stand out in the competitive marketplace.

Start by conducting keyword research to identify relevant and high-ranking search terms.

Incorporate these keywords strategically into your product titles, bullet points, and product descriptions.

Highlight the unique features and benefits of your products, and use high-quality images to showcase them.

Regularly monitor and update your listings to ensure they remain accurate and compelling.

But this is part and parcel of the daily duties of every successful Amazon seller, so you already do all this regularly, right?

Monitoring competitor activity

Monitoring competitor activity is essential for sellers to stay ahead in the competitive marketplace and ensure their product listings remain relevant and compelling. By keeping a close eye on what your competitors are doing, you can identify any potential threats or opportunities.

This includes monitoring their pricing strategies, promotions, and customer reviews. By understanding your competitors’ actions, you can make informed decisions to optimize your own listings and differentiate yourself from the competition.

This task will help you sell on Amazon much more effectively, and create necessary relationships with your customer – as well as avoiding hijackers.

Using Amazon’s Project Zero

By utilizing Amazon Project Zero, sellers can take proactive measures to protect their brand and listings from counterfeit products, establishing trust and authenticity in the marketplace.

By enrolling in the Amazon Project Zero Program, you gain access to automated safeguards provided by Amazon, coupled with an unparalleled self-service counterfeit removal tool. These powerful features, in conjunction with the product serialization from the Amazon Transparency Program, work harmoniously to shield your customers from ever encountering counterfeit products.

What can an Amazon seller do if they’re targeted by an Amazon hijacker?

Take immediate action! Contact Amazon support as soon as possible and provide them with evidence of the counterfeit seller, such as screenshots and purchase receipts. They’ll assist you in removing the hijackers from your listing and restoring your control over it.

Additionally, to prevent future hijackings, consider expanding your business to the country where the hijacking occurred. This will give you more control and visibility over your listings. Essentially, you can follow all the steps laid out in this guide in the country where you’re being hijacked, and reduce the possibility of it happening again.

Yes, bet you didn’t think there was another reason for global expansion and localization – getting hijacked is a really good (and often ignored) reason right there.

Taking immediate action

To combat listing hijackers and protect your brand, it’s crucial to act swiftly and decisively. If you suspect that your listing has been hijacked, take immediate action.

First, buy the counterfeit product to gather evidence. Then, send a cease and desist letter to scare the hijacker.

If they don’t respond, report the situation to Amazon with the evidence you’ve collected.

Don’t waste time; the longer you take, the more customers will get confused with who the legitimate seller really is. As previously mentioned, this could have disastrous consequences and really impact your Amazon selling.

Removing hijackers from your listing

When dealing with hijackers on your listing, it’s important to take immediate action and involve Amazon support to swiftly remove them and protect your brand.

Raise a case to Seller Support and provide them with the evidence. Amazon will investigate the situation and take appropriate action to remove the hijackers from your listing. Remember, it takes a few days for Amazon to take action, so remember to factor in some lead time in your process.

Protecting your customers

By actively safeguarding your customers, you can ensure a secure and trustworthy shopping experience on Amazon.

One way to protect your customers is by closely monitoring your product listings for any signs of hijacking. Regularly check for unauthorized sellers and negative reviews.

Respond promptly to any customer complaints and provide excellent customer service.

By taking these precautions, you can maintain the integrity of your brand and build trust with your customers.

Preventing future hijackings by expanding to that country

Expanding your business to new countries can be a powerful strategy to safeguard against future hijackings and tap into new markets. By expanding to different countries, you can establish a stronger presence and build a loyal customer base.

This will make it more difficult for hijackers to target your listings and sell counterfeit products. Additionally, entering new markets allows you to diversify your revenue streams and reduce dependence on a single marketplace, making your business more resilient to hijacking threats.

Many people think global expansion is a matter of choice and scale; an often-ignored reason is that you’re getting hijacked in that country. That means there’s a demand for your product in another country. Strike while the iron is hot and expand there. But be careful to follow the steps laid out in this guide: localize your  brand assets, from your product packaging, keyword research, listing copywriting, images, and even your customer support.

Frequently Asked Questions about listing hijacking on Amazon

How can I identify if my listing has been hijacked on Amazon?

To identify if your listing has been hijacked on Amazon, look for signs like multiple sellers for your private label product, negative reviews, and a loss of the buy box. Act quickly by reporting the hijacker to Amazon with evidence.

What are the potential consequences of listing hijacking on Amazon?

The potential consequences of listing hijacking on Amazon include loss of revenue and sales, damage to brand image, and discouraging potential buyers. It is important to be vigilant and take quick action to protect your listings.

Can I prevent listing hijacking on Amazon?

Yes, you can prevent listing hijacking on Amazon. Take proactive measures such as trademarking your brand, joining Amazon Brand Registry, using anti-counterfeit programs like Project Zero, and monitoring listings for unauthorized sellers.

What steps should I take if I discover my listing has been hijacked?

If you discover your listing has been hijacked on Amazon, take immediate action. Make a test purchase of the counterfeit product, send a cease and desist letter to the hijacker, and report them to Amazon with evidence.

Are there any tools or services available to help protect my listing from hijackers?

Yes, there are tools and services available to help protect your listing from hijackers. You can use Amazon’s Project Zero, join the Amazon Brand Registry, and utilize services like Seller Candy or Red Points for brand protection.

Conclusion: Prevent Amazon Listing Hijacking by Staying on Top of Your Game

To conclude, it’s essential for Amazon sellers to take proactive steps in preventing listing hijackers and protecting their listings. By implementing strategies such as sending cease and desist letters and trademarking their brand, sellers can maintain control over their products and brand image. They can also use tools like Seller Candy and FeedbackFive, as well as participate in anti-counterfeit programs. Vigilance and quick action are key when suspecting hijacking. By staying vigilant and taking preventive measures, sellers can avoid potential revenue loss and damage to their reputation.

Interested in knowing more about where to expand your Amazon business? Try YLT Translations’ AMOR report, which cuts out the guesswork from expansion. Get ahead of the game, avoid hijackers, and expand to countries where there’s established demand for your product!