
European vs. American Buying Habits: How to Optimize Your Amazon Listing

Apr 20, 2023



As the world becomes increasingly globalized, businesses are now able to reach out to consumers all over the world. However, even though the buying habits of Europeans and Americans may seem similar on the surface, there are actually some significant differences. What does this mean for your Amazon listing and the globalization of your Amazon business?

It means that localization per culture is necessary, even if you’re translating from an English-speaking country to another English-speaking country. Cross-cultural communication is crucial when selling to a global audience. What would convert an American customer is not the same language that would convert a British customer. Read on to discover the nuances in language clarity – and how to implement them in your listing.

How to Optimize Your Amazon Listing for American Buying Habits

Firstly, it’s important to understand that Americans tend to be more emotional when it comes to buying decisions compared to Europeans. This means that they are more likely to make purchases based on their feelings rather than logic. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, Americans are more likely to trust and rely on their own personal experiences and intuition when making purchasing decisions, rather than relying on information from companies or experts. This emotional connection can be created through effective storytelling, imagery, and other emotive copywriting techniques.

In contrast, Europeans tend to be more rational and logical when it comes to making purchases. According to a survey conducted by CreditCards.com, American consumers are more likely to make impulse purchases than consumers in other countries. The survey found that 78% of Americans had made an impulse purchase in the last three months, compared to 58% of consumers in the United Kingdom and 30% of consumers in Germany. This means that European buyers are more likely to respond to copywriting that highlights the features and benefits of a product, rather than relying on emotional storytelling.

So, how can businesses adapt their copywriting to cater to the emotional buying habits of Americans? Firstly, it’s important to create a brand story that resonates with the buying habits of your target audience. This story should be emotive and highlight the values that your brand stands for. By doing so, you create an emotional connection with your audience and make your brand more memorable.

Another technique is to use emotive language in your copywriting. This means using words that trigger an emotional response, such as “amazing”, “exciting”, or “life-changing”. These words can help to create a sense of urgency and excitement around your product or service.

It’s also important to use imagery that appeals to American buyers’ emotions. This could be in the form of photographs, videos, or infographics that illustrate the benefits of your product or service. For example, if you’re selling a weight loss product, use before and after photos to show the transformation that your product can achieve. Our translators note that Americans like seeing products in use through lifestyle photographs; Europeans are more likely to favor informative infographics that outline the features and benefits of the product. (More about that in this blog.)

In addition to emotive copywriting, businesses targeting American buyers should also focus on creating a sense of exclusivity. Americans tend to be attracted to products or services that are exclusive or limited in some way. This could be in the form of a limited edition product, a VIP membership, or early access to a product launch. By creating a sense of exclusivity, you tap into Americans’ desire to stand out from the crowd and be part of something special.

How to Optimize Your Listing for European Buying Habits

Europeans tend to be more rational and logical in their buying habits. This means that they are more likely to respond to copywriting that highlights the features and benefits of a product, rather than relying on emotional storytelling. Europeans rely less on Amazon for their e-Commerce needs, and social shopping isn’t as popular in Europe as it is in America. (Check out the study here.)

To cater to European buyers, businesses should focus on providing clear and concise information about their products or services. This means highlighting the product’s unique selling points, its features, and the benefits that it provides. By doing so, you give European buyers the information they need to make an informed buying decision.

In addition to highlighting the product’s features and benefits, businesses should also provide social proof in the form of customer reviews and testimonials. Europeans often read reviews and conduct research before making a purchase, so it’s important to provide this information upfront to build trust and credibility. Another effective copywriting technique for European buyers is to use statistics and data to support your claims. This can help to reinforce the rational aspect of their buying decision-making process. For example, if you’re selling a skincare product, you might use statistics to highlight the effectiveness of the product in reducing wrinkles or improving skin texture.

It’s also important to use language that is clear and concise. Avoid using overly complex language or jargon, as this can be off-putting to European buyers. Instead, focus on using language that is easy to understand and that clearly communicates the benefits of your product or service.

Are You Selling to Brits and Americans at the Same Time?

All of the points here are made abundantly clear when examining the buying habits of Americans and Brits. Many sellers mistakenly transfer their listings, word for word, from amazon.com to amazon.co.uk – and wonder why their listings don’t convert. Localization per culture is necessary, even when translating between English-speaking countries. Remember, Americans tend to make purchases based on emotions, while Europeans tend to make purchases based on logic.

Go ahead and use emotive storytelling, imagery, and exclusive offers for your American audience, but for your European buyers, focus on providing clear and concise information about the product’s features and benefits, social proof in the form of customer reviews and testimonials, and using statistics and data to support your claims. Don’t tell a Brit that your awesome product will make everyone love them, and don’t tell the Brits that your product is the best! Also, don’t feed your American audience facts and figures; you’ll lose them on the emotive selling.

In short, businesses can successfully sell to a global audience and expand their Amazon businesses – but it’s crucial to take buying habits into consideration first. Even customers who may speak the same language…

Actually might not!