
Amazon Prime Day 2020 Postponed: How You Can Prepare For It As A Seller

Jun 4, 2020



Calling all Amazon sellers! It’s summertime once again and that means only one thing, Amazon Prime Day 2020 is on the horizon.

The date has been pushed back to September this year due to the COVID-19, which from a positive stance, looks like more time to get ready. And, as one of the Internets biggest shopping days of the year, you’ll want to be well prepared.

If you still need some inspiration, let’s take a quick reminder of the past couple of years.

In 2018 Amazon Prime Day ran for 36 hours and became Amazon’s largest 1.5 days of sales on a global scale. We’re talking over 100 million products bought by Prime members worldwide and over $1.5 billion in revenue for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Then came Amazon Prime Day 2019, which ran for a total of 48 hours. In those two days over $2 billion was generated in revenue for third-party sellers, through the purchase of more than 175 million items by Amazon Prime members.

Amazon reported to have sold over 100,000 laptops, 200,000 televisions, 300,000 headphones, 350,000 luxury beauty products and more than 1 million toys that year.


What is Amazon Prime Day is and how did it start?


The first Amazon Prime Day took place in 2015 on Amazon’s 20th birthday, with the idea to celebrate its Prime members through 24 hours of deals and sales on Amazon.com – the day was wildly successful.

Since its not so humble beginnings, Amazon Prime Day has continued to grow exponentially in a number of ways; the volume of products sold (in 2019 more than Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales combined) the length of the event (24 hours in 2015 to 48 hours in 2019) and the number of participating countries (from 9 in 2015 to 18 in 2019).


Amazon Prime Day 2020 Is Officially Postponed


Amazon Prime Day 2020 typically takes place in July however has been officially postponed until at least September this year due to Covid-19.

Amazon took the decision to push the event back by a couple of months to avoid creating additional strains on its warehouse and delivery services, which have been under high demand since the pandemic hit.

For sellers, this could actually come as good news as the selling process begins far before Prime Day itself. A thorough promotion of products is crucial in the run-up and the postponed date provides more preparation time, if you start now.


How to make sure you’re prepared for Amazon Prime Day 2020


1. Make sure you have enough inventory for a spike in sales


We know from previous years that Prime Day likely means a huge spike in demand for your product over the time period – imagine the sales potential over two whole days!

So, for private label products, be sure you’ve considered your inventory levels and make any necessary preparations now while there is still ample time.

2. Optimize Your Product Listing(s)


Another important aspect you’ll want to take into account is your product listings- making sure they are well optimized.

You will need more than just discounts on products to ramp up conversions and fully take advantage of Amazon Prime Day 2020 sales.

If you’re looking to optimize your listing or to make sure your listings are top-notch for all Amazon marketplaces (EU, Japanese, US) don’t hesitate to contact us using this form or email directly at info@ylt-translations.com.

Check your titles, bullet points, images and descriptions to ensure they are up to date and ready to go.

And remember, if you’re selling on new or multiple marketplaces you need to pay special attention to making sure your listing is well translated and adjusted to the new audience.

I recently had a chat with Danny McMillan about the mistakes sellers are making with their listings. We audited a few poorly translated listings and pointed out the common mistakes sellers are making when launching on international markets.

Make sure this is not you!


3. Warm-up your audience with an email campaign


Depending on your product, you could also consider doing some mini competitions or rewards aimed towards your audience.

This way, they can get engaged with your brand before Prime Day hits, ideally putting any email campaigns into action 3-4 weeks before the date.


4. Apply for lightning deals & consider Amazon coupons


Lightning Deals are a great feature to attract buyers and go out available as one per customer until the promotional period expires or your inventory runs out.

As a third-party seller, you must make an application to be able to offer up Lightning Deals on Amazon Prime Day 2020. Be sure to review your products before applying to check they meet Amazon’s deal requirements.

Amazon coupons also work well, drawing in customers with discount codes applied to certain products at checkout.


5. Adjust your pricing


Finally, as you’ll probably have heard on repeat, don’t hold back from changing the price of your products, as this could generate more sales on Amazon Prime Day 2020 as well as getting all your inventory sold.

This will also avoid the chance of incurring a long-term storage fee while naturally enhancing your BSR (Best Sellers Ranking), which is always a plus.


How YLT-Translations can help you 

If you need help with optimization and listing translation, me and my team are readily available. We operate in all Amazon marketplaces including Japan and real people are checking and taking care of your product listings.

We customize our process to fit you and your brand and you can rely on us to make sure you have everything set for one of the biggest Amazon holidays of the year.

if you need our assistance, we are always here to help.