Aug 22, 2024 | E-commerce, Localization and content, Tips and Hacks
What is a luxury brand? Consumers are quick to identify the big fashion houses like Chanel and Louis Vuitton, automobile brands like Porsche and Ferrari, accessories like Cartier, Rolex, and Tiffany & Co., or even wines from French luxury vineyards. But...
Jun 13, 2024 | E-commerce, Localization and content, Tips and Hacks
What’s the deal with the chatter on Gen Xers vs the Millennial Generation? TikToker @bryaninheelee released a video that’s been stitched so many times by Gen X TikTokers. Bryan starts his video asking, “Who let Gen X off the hook? Why aren’t we...
Nov 24, 2023 | E-commerce, Localization and content, Tips and Hacks, Translations
Data Feed Watch said it perfectly: “you need to diversify the revenue streams and never keep all eggs in one basket.” This means that you shouldn’t restrict yourself to your local audience; there is a potential customer base waiting for you in each...